My Life

My Life

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I HATE MY JOB!  I do however have an interview today with another company.  More in my field of work.  Hope it goes well.
I didn't stick with my fast.  Did only two days!  I feel like such a failure!!!!!!!!!!  So weak!!!!!!!  I really hate myself for not staying Strong!  I did only eat veggie soup and some Wasabi peas when I finally ate.
Today is a new day.  (I hope)  I got up and made veggie soup, with broth and tofu.  I lived off this for months and lost weight.  It has cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, celery, tofu, spinach and zucchini.  I hope I can stick to it.
I was a little concerned that I was getting soooooooo irritable last nite.  How would I do my interview today if I was cranky and couldn't think straight???
So two cups of Chia tea with a smiggin of non fat milk and splenda.  Plus my usual tons of Pepsi Max.
At my job people are so fake.  I'm fake.  I sold 188% yesterday and I have no idea how!  I hate people but I must fake it well?  How can I honestly tell someone something looks good or bad on them when I have sales %????  I have to tell them it looks great!  And smile.  Don't forget the smile.
UGH!  My moods go between elated and then super depressed.  Maybe, I'm BiPolar???  Great!  The meds are a weight gainer.  So I won't be doing that.  I will do my normal and put on a happy face and not let anyone know how I really feel except those of you who read this.
Gotta go BF waking up!
Restrict and Starve on!
Until we are bones!

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